Purpose of the Templar Confederation

Purpose of the Templar Confederation (TC). The International Templar Confederation “Bernard de Clairvaux aims to:Confederazione_Templare_Bernard-de-Clairvaux

  • aggregate Orders, Priorates, Brotherhoods with Templar or neo Templar matrix  where good and righteous individuals militate, subjects of exemplary morality from different paths of spiritual growth, eager to follow the rule and the chivalrous ideals of the Poor Militia of Christ, namely those of the Duty, Obedience, Justice and Solidarity, samples of the good forces faithing against the evil forces as in the brilliant Christian tradition well expressed by St. Bernard in De Laude Novae Militiae ad Milites Temples;
  • accommodate knights invested by other equestrian orders of the Christian Roman tradition who want to continue on a path of spiritual, moral and cultural growth between the ranks of one of the orders belonging to the Templar Confederation of Italy;
  • witness, spread and protect in secular life the essential values ​​of the message of Jesus Christ through the activities of the member Orders;
  • protect the Church of Rome, spiritual corner stone of Christianity, and its representatives;
  • defend the presence of the Christians living in the Middle East, with particular reference to the Christians living in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan;
  • support the Christian Churches of the East with particular attention to the Melkite Catholics;
  • encourage and promote the inter-religious dialogue, prerequisite for all people living together, acting as peacemakers;
  • to foster the spiritual growth of the members of the confederated Orders through shared cultural and educational projects;
  • facilitate humanitarian operations in areas of interest.The Templar Confederation of Italy is not an Order but an operational structure (governance) assigned to the Commander for the Interior Affairs and the one for the Exterior Affairs. The purpose of the Templar Confederation , is to have the proactive action of the Templar Chapter and the control of the Templar Board.